چشم اسفندیار

مجید نفیسیدود سفیدی آرام آرام
بر چشمانت پرده می کشد
و تو را گریزی نیست
مگر فرو خوردنِ کفِ غیضی
که از موج موجِ وجودت
مایه می گیرد.
ای وای، ای وای، ای وای
تا چند بر این زخمِ آکله، لیسه می زنی
ای لوکِ مست؟
نه رودکی هستی که به زخمه ی چنگ اش آری
نه ابوالعلا که به زخمِ زبان طنز
ناگزیر باید برای همیشه
برین مجمرِ بی اسفند بسوزی
و از چشم اسفندیار خویش
ناله سر دهی.
16 ژانویه 1986
Esfandyar’s Eye
By Majid Naficy
A curtain of white smoke
Blocks your eyes bit by bit
And there is no way out
But swallowing the foam of your rage
Which bubbles from every wave of your being.
Oh woe, oh woe, oh woe
How long do you lick your leprous wound
You foaming camel?
You are neither Rudaki, to play it out with a harp*
Nor Abul Ala, to spit it out through satire.*
Hence, you must burn
On this brazier without Esfand’s seeds*
And lament your Esfandyar’s eye forever.*
January 16, 1986
*- Rudaki: A blind Persian bard (858-941)
*- Abul Ala alMo’arri: A blind Arab, skeptic poet (973-1058)
*-Traditionally in Iran, the seeds of wild rue (esfand) are burnt on a brazier to ward off the evil eye.
*- In Iranian mythology, Esfandyar’s eye is similar to the Greek Achilles’ heel. He is blessed with invulnerablity because he carries holy wars for the prophet Zoroaster. Nevertheless, Rostam, the Iranian Hercules, kills Esfandyar by shooting a tamarisk-tree arrow into his eye.
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