دختر اُزبك

مجید نفیسی
نه! ما جنگ پدرانمان را
ادامه نخواهیم داد.
تیمور لنگ قرنها پیش مرده است
و خواجه ی شیراز نیز، كه به خالی
سمرقند و بخارا را می بخشید.
دختر اُزبك در كالیفرنیا
خالی به پیشانی ندارد
و اُزبكی را به لهجه ی روسی حرف می زند.
با این همه در كلامش عطری ست
كه او را از پس اعصار
به من پیوند می دهد.
زیرا واژه ی گُل را "گُل"
و سبزه را "سبزه"
و بهار را "بهار" می خواند
و چون من
"نوروز" را جشن می گیرد.
به او می گویم كه نیایم "نفیس"
از كرمان به سمرقند رفت
تا پزشك اُلغ بیگ شود.
او كاسه ی خالی ی "بُرش"* را
از روی میز برمیدارد
و چایی خوشرنگ را
با شاخه ای نبات، كنار دستم میگذارد
و من نمی دانم كه در برابر
لس آنجلس را به او ببخشم
یا سانفرانسیسكو را.
۳۰ اوت ۲۰۱۳
مجید نفیسی
ادامه نخواهیم داد.
تیمور لنگ قرنها پیش مرده است
و خواجه ی شیراز نیز، كه به خالی
سمرقند و بخارا را می بخشید.
دختر اُزبك در كالیفرنیا
خالی به پیشانی ندارد
و اُزبكی را به لهجه ی روسی حرف می زند.
با این همه در كلامش عطری ست
كه او را از پس اعصار
به من پیوند می دهد.
زیرا واژه ی گُل را "گُل"
و سبزه را "سبزه"
و بهار را "بهار" می خواند
و چون من
"نوروز" را جشن می گیرد.
به او می گویم كه نیایم "نفیس"
از كرمان به سمرقند رفت
تا پزشك اُلغ بیگ شود.
او كاسه ی خالی ی "بُرش"* را
از روی میز برمیدارد
و چایی خوشرنگ را
با شاخه ای نبات، كنار دستم میگذارد
و من نمی دانم كه در برابر
لس آنجلس را به او ببخشم
یا سانفرانسیسكو را.
۳۰ اوت ۲۰۱۳
مجید نفیسی
- آش چغندر به روسی
Uzbek Girl
No! We will not continue
Our fathers’ war.
Tamerlane* has died centuries ago
And the bard of Shiraz* too
Who gave Samarkand and Bukhara
For the sake of a beauty mark.
This Uzbek girl in California
Has no mark on her forehead
And she speaks Uzbek with a Russian accent.
But there is a scent in her words
Which brings us together
From many ages ago
Because in her own language
She uses Persian words
For “flower”, “greens” and “spring”
And celebrates Noruz*
As I do.
I tell her that my ancestor Nafis
Went from Kerman to Samarkand
To become the physician of Ulugh Beg*.
She removes the empty bowl of borsch from the table
And puts a rich colored tea near my hand
With a piece of rock candy,
And I don’t know if in return
I should give her Los Angeles
Or San Francisco.
August 30, 2013
Majid Naficy
- Tamerlane was a Turko-Mongol conqueror of Iran and other countries in the fourteenth century. Today he is considered the national hero of Uzbekistan.
- Hafez of Shiraz was a great Persian poet in the fourteenth century. In one of his lyrics he says: “If a Turk of Shiraz gains my heart / I will give her Samarkand and Bukhara for the sake of her Hindu mole.” It is said that when Tamerlane conquered Shiraz he summoned Hafez and asked him: “Why did you give my capital Samarkand for a mole?” Hafez answered: “I showed such generosity that I became so poor!” The conqueror laughed and rewarded the poet lavishly.
- Noruz or Persian New year is celebrated by Iranians and many other peoples in the beginning of spring.
- Ulugh Beg was the grandson of Tamerlane.
Our fathers’ war.
Tamerlane* has died centuries ago
And the bard of Shiraz* too
Who gave Samarkand and Bukhara
For the sake of a beauty mark.
This Uzbek girl in California
Has no mark on her forehead
And she speaks Uzbek with a Russian accent.
But there is a scent in her words
Which brings us together
From many ages ago
Because in her own language
She uses Persian words
For “flower”, “greens” and “spring”
And celebrates Noruz*
As I do.
I tell her that my ancestor Nafis
Went from Kerman to Samarkand
To become the physician of Ulugh Beg*.
She removes the empty bowl of borsch from the table
And puts a rich colored tea near my hand
With a piece of rock candy,
And I don’t know if in return
I should give her Los Angeles
Or San Francisco.
August 30, 2013
Majid Naficy
- Tamerlane was a Turko-Mongol conqueror of Iran and other countries in the fourteenth century. Today he is considered the national hero of Uzbekistan.
- Hafez of Shiraz was a great Persian poet in the fourteenth century. In one of his lyrics he says: “If a Turk of Shiraz gains my heart / I will give her Samarkand and Bukhara for the sake of her Hindu mole.” It is said that when Tamerlane conquered Shiraz he summoned Hafez and asked him: “Why did you give my capital Samarkand for a mole?” Hafez answered: “I showed such generosity that I became so poor!” The conqueror laughed and rewarded the poet lavishly.
- Noruz or Persian New year is celebrated by Iranians and many other peoples in the beginning of spring.
- Ulugh Beg was the grandson of Tamerlane.
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