شولای غیبی

به سوی دریا که می دویدم
او را دیدم
در آخرین پاگرد پلکان خفته بود
و گاری زنگ زده ای او را از جهان جدا می کرد.
مرد بود؟ زن بود؟
یا آدمکی از پوشال؟
کلاه سیاهی بر سر داشت
و پالتوی گشادی بر تن
خوابیده در زیر پتوی سفیدی که مرا
به یاد برادرزاده ی کوچکم می انداخت
همیشه آن را به دندان می گرفت
و گاهی چون شولایی غیبی به دور خود می پیچید.
کی خانه اش را رها کرد؟
آیا آن شب باران می آمد؟
آیا کسی تا دم در او را همراهی کرد
یا خود به تنهایی در را گشود؟
آیا در را با فریادی برهم زد
یا به آرامی بیرون خزید؟
می رفت تا جهان تازه ای بیابد
یا می خواست برای همیشه آن را واگذارد؟
چرا سنگر خانه را رها کرد
تا در پس این چارچرخه کمین کند؟
در بازگشت، او را ندیدم
شاید شولای غیبی اش را پوشیده بود.
9 مه 1996
The Magic Cape
By Majid Naficy
Running toward the beach
I saw her on the stairs
lying at the last landing
And a rusty cart separated her from the world.
I asked myself: "Is it a woman? ... Is it a man?
Or a puppet full of straw?"
She wore a black hat
And a large winter coat
Covered with a white blanket
Like that of my little niece.
She always sucked it through her teeth
And sometimes put it on
Like a magic cape.
When did she leave her house?
Was it raining that night?
Did someone walk her to the door
Or was she alone?
Did she bang the door with a shout
Or creep out of it slowly?
Did she go to find a new world
Or want to give up forever?
Why did she leave her castle
To barricade behind this cart?
When I returned
I did not see her.
Perhaps she was wearing
Her magic cape.
May 8, 1996
Please like me at:
"And yet it does turn!" Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
By Majid Naficy
Running toward the beach
I saw her on the stairs
lying at the last landing
And a rusty cart separated her from the world.
I asked myself: "Is it a woman? ... Is it a man?
Or a puppet full of straw?"
She wore a black hat
And a large winter coat
Covered with a white blanket
Like that of my little niece.
She always sucked it through her teeth
And sometimes put it on
Like a magic cape.
When did she leave her house?
Was it raining that night?
Did someone walk her to the door
Or was she alone?
Did she bang the door with a shout
Or creep out of it slowly?
Did she go to find a new world
Or want to give up forever?
Why did she leave her castle
To barricade behind this cart?
When I returned
I did not see her.
Perhaps she was wearing
Her magic cape.
May 8, 1996
Please like me at:
"And yet it does turn!" Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
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