بشنو از تنبور

مجید نفیسی
برای چشمه
بشنو از تنبور
که زار می زند
در دستهای او.
دختر هرگز پدرش را ندیده
اما در آوای تنبور او
صدای پدر شنیده می شود.
چه زیبا و با غرور می خواند
سرود "مرگ نازلی " را
انگار سرود مرگ خودش بود.
راز این پیوند را
تنها تنبور می داند
نشسته در آغوش دختر
مویه گر مرگی سرخ
پیش از زاده شدنش
در سپیده دم.
یکم ژوئیه ۲۰۱۳
Listen to the Tanboor
For Cheshmeh
Listen to the tanboor*
Which is weeping
In her hands.
The daughter has never seen her father.
And yet
In the sound of her tanboor
One can hear
The voice of her father.
How beautiful and proud
He was singing
The song of "The Death of Nazli"*
As if it were
The song of his own death.
Only the tanboor knows
The secret of this union,
As it sits
At the daughter's bosom
Weeping over a red death
Before her birth
At daybreak.
July 1, 2013
Majid Naficy
*- A long-necked lute.
*- written by Ahmad Shamlu after the bloody death of Vartan (Nazli) in 1953.
*- written by Ahmad Shamlu after the bloody death of Vartan (Nazli) in 1953.
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